Polaroid Cube : stylish gadget, that is available for preorder

Polaroid prepares to release new stylish gadget Polaroid Cube at 31 August of this year. It is action-camera in form of cube with 35 mm side, that is released in 3 colors variations : black, blue and pink. It can record videos in following modes : 1440p ( 30 frames per second ), 1080p ( … Continue reading Polaroid Cube : stylish gadget, that is available for preorder

Crocodilomorphs of mesozoic seas

In the Mesozoic Era crocodilomorphs lived on Earth; they had lots of simillarities with modern crocodiles, but their body was very adapted for marine life and looked like fishes’ one. Their tails had fins, some of them had limbs, that were transformed into fins, and their body was far more gidrodynamical, than body of modern … Continue reading Crocodilomorphs of mesozoic seas


Ichthyosaurus ( from Greek words fish and lizard ) are marine reptiles, that lived in Mesozoic Era, almost in all its time span 250 – 90 millions years ago. Ichthyosaurus reached in length 2 – 20 meters ( members of their family was the biggest marine reptiles, that lived on Earth to date ); their … Continue reading Ichthyosaurus

Геохронологическая таблица

ЭонЭраПериод Фанерозой Кайнозой Четвертичный 2.58 Неоген 23.03 Палеоген 66.0 Мезозой Меловой 145.0 Юрский 201.3 Триас 252.2 Палеозой Пермский 298.9 Каменноугольный 358.9 Девон 419.2 Силлурийский 443.8 Ордовик 485.4 Кембрий 541.0 Протерозой Неопротерозой Эдиакарий 635 Криогений 850 Тоний 1000 Мезопротерозой Стений 1200 Эктазий 1400 Калимий 1600 Палеопротерозой Статерий 1800 Орозирий 2050 Риасий 2300 Сидерий 2500 Архей Неоархей … Continue reading Геохронологическая таблица

Geochronological scale

EonEraPeriod Phanerozoic Cenozoic Quaternary 2.58 Neogene 23.03 Paleogene 66.0 Mesozoic Cretaceous 145.0 Jurassic 201.3 Triassic 252.2 Paleozoic Permian 298.9 Carboniferous 358.9 Devonian 419.2 Silurian 443.8 Ordovician 485.4 Cambrian 541.0 Proterozoic Neo-proterozoic Ediacaran 635 Cryogenian 850 Tonian 1000 Meso-proterozoic Stenian 1200 Ectasian 1400 Calymmian 1600 Paleo-proterozoic Statherian 1800 Orosirian 2050 Rhyacian 2300 Siderian 2500 Archean Neoarchean … Continue reading Geochronological scale