Computer game Elite vs Freedom – indie third-person shooter is published in Steam store! After 3.5 years of work on project, for somebody even 4, we already made it and came to cherished goal. This was a hard way, full of hard and responsible moments, months of work without holidays ( often with half-sleeping at nights ) and mirth moments; it taught us a lot and made our lives and us ourselves better, we developed professionally and will work on next projects more effective and better. I am glad to be a part of this project and work with such professional and responsive people and very like to continue work on next projects and develop further in this area. I express great personal thankfulness to Clemens Hofmann – director of AVE Media LLC for help in a hard moments, this helped me a lot and I’ll not forget help in a hard times.

I work in this project as lead programmer ( artificial intelligence, game rules, user interface, networking and cooking of all game elements together into build ), one of sounds specialists, translator to Russian language ( all feedback in this respect is to my side ) and add part of ideas to project. If you have some propositions, words of support and constructive feedback, then you can publish them on our support forums; if you are press representative or owner of a popular web-site and wish to publish review of our game, then you also can contact us through our forum, official site or Steam Support Forums.
Next support of EvF, errors fixing and work on next project – this will be really a Game from a capital letter – the way games should be : interactive adventure, a book, developing human inside. For now I can not tell details about it, they’ll be published, the earliest, only after a couple of months. Now I can say only that in spirit and idea it’ll look like one of the games for 16-bits console Sega, which impressed me and touched my soul so much in a childhood and in a lot directed me in the way of computer games creation, that I started to walk in this direction and will keep walking, despite all of the difficulties; this helps me very much in life and helps me to develop in all areas. And the thing, that this game ‘ll use Unreal Engine 4 – state of the art in computer games development area in all areas : graphics, sound, code, tools for work with content and levels creation, development technology and iterations in games implementation into reality, networking and interface with user, as well as all other directions. Be connected and keep up to date on the news from the fields!