Yesterday small bicycles ride in direction to Krasniy village near Yekaterinburg was held on. At morning there was no rain and there was hope for dry day. Start was located near Carnival trade center in Yekaterinburg, I rode to it from Polevskoy. Wherein, for the first time I rode to Yekaterinburg in less than 2 hours : at 9:20 a.m. I went from home and at 11:11 I made a phone call to other tour participants from Ceramics station in Yekaterinburg, distance between these points is 40 km. Most of the way to city it was dry and ride was a pleasure itself, but on the entrance into Yekaterinburg it started to rain and there was hope, that it will be weak. On the start point I met and became acquainted with other adventurers, we talked for a while and hit the road.

We rode near railway and made small stops, on which Dmitriy ( on the left side of upper photo ) told to us story of this railway. 10 years ago it was used also for passengers transportation, but now only different technical tasks are performed on it. On the way rain amplified to downpour and puddles started to form on the road, after riding through which shoes and pants became wet. Despite the weather it is beautiful in these places : there are birch forest to the sides of railway and Shuvakish lake, that can be seen between trees. After around 10 km of a way, we decided, that riding under heavy rainfall with +4 – +6 degrees temperature is not very interesting and on one of the road turns we navigated to Yekaterinburg; after small ride on the unpaved suburbs roads we set our wheels on the asphalt road and headed in the direction of the start point. In some areas road looked like river stream and there was need to wade through it with 1/3 of wheels in water and with shoes going into it with pedals, but that had no matter anymore, because our clothes and shoes was already wet. Near the start point we asked woman, that walked near us, to make “after ride” photo; then said good by to each other, other adventurers went to warm and dry off themselves, I navigated in the south direction to Polevskoy highway. On the way to it rain weakened, but on the whole ride to Polevskoy it went to downpour again; heavy cars left water dust walls after them, at some places cars made shower from the puddles to me, bit this had no matter anymore, because clothes drenched already. I rode to home not so fast and way took 2 – 3 hours. On the entrance to Polevskoy I was wet, froze, hungry, with my strengths left in the adventure and satisfied with the ride of that day; 2 or 3 times I even went to near sleep state, but quickly activated myself and drove myself to conscious state. All in all it was great ride : for a long time I had no such pleasures from activations of myself and movements of the body, mind and soul into survival and difficulties overcoming mode. At home I hardly unbuttoned my wet clothes with frozen hands and hung them out to dry, washed myself, warmed up and ate food, but pleasure remained. See you on the next bicycles ride!