On this week Egypt и Saudi Arabia signed agreement about creation of investments fond with 16 billions of USD capital; this should contribute to economical development of the region and implementation of large industrial projects, which will lead to increase of income of citizens and work places amount. Central Bank of Russia told, that it will decrease key rate for increasing of credits availability for companies, but with taking into account keeping inflation in acceptable range and decreasing it to 4% in 2017 year; it will not force restrictions on currencies trading and will not try to fix ruble course, to not cause disbalance in economics. Oil prices are slightly increased after publication of information about decrease of its reserves in USA, which caused small growth of key stock indices of country, there is ability to anticipate similar movements of indices of other countries too. Britain Ministry of Foreign Affairs called China to decrease steel production level to increase its prices and make plants profitable; situation is similar to oil in some respect. India is ready to invest 20 billions of USD in development of Iran port Chabahar to increase oil and gas trading amounts of two countries; by this India will also pay part of debt to Iran for supplied oil. And to conclude today, not exactly economics, but interesting anyway : astronomers told about possible discovery of new planet in Solar System, which, presumably, causes anomal movements of other bodies in this space area. It can cause deviations of comets and asteroids movements and send them into inner areas of Solar System, to Earth inclusively, hitting of which of our planet caused mass extinctions of live organisms on Earth in ancient times; but rumors, appeared in some mass media, about “Close Judgment Day” and “No later, than before the end of April” are too exaggerated : in near time ( some millions of years ) no things of such scale are foreseeable from astronomical point of view.