Russia and Zimbabwe develop relations and joint projects, so Russian companies will strengthen their positions in gold, diamonds and platinum mining in Zimbabwe, as well as Russian side will supply newest technologies in their mining. Additionally Russia considers ability to supply flour, drought resistant crops species and pesticides; also countries intend to grow together sugarcane and to develop vaccines for farm animals. Oil prices continue to grow, partly this is connected to anticipation of reduction of its production by countries-non members of OPEC, partly with removing from markets of cheap oil from territories, which previously were controlled by ISIS in Syria, and partly with anticipation of increase of demand in it by the end of this year – beginning of next. However, analysts do not have common opinion on how long this grow will go on, there is ability, that after some time this growth will be changed with new lowering.
Russia and Saudi Arabia compete for oil markets of private refineries in China, both countries offer large discounts to foothold on markets; it is also worth the effort to look on Indian market, until Iran did not filled it with its oil and plans to restore production to pre-sanctions levels. European Central Bank started to unofficially remove 500 Euro banknotes from markets, it is told that main reason of this is the fact, that such banknotes are widely used by criminals and banknotes with smaller nominal will make criminal operations much harder. But, probably, this is just one of the reasons, maybe USA push on Europe and try to remove large amount of money in Euro from markets and substitute their dollar in its place. Financial group VTB can receive operation on Sochi Autodrome, which holds Russian stage of Formula 1 race competitions, because Bank of Moscow, which was creditor of object construction, now is the part of VTB group. This is all for today in economical and related political and society events for this week, stay tuned for the releases.