Yesterday excursion in the parks of Yekaterinburg was held on, organized by Sportek shop ( group and meeting album in VKontacte social network ), it was led on by Anna Bushmeleva – the representative of this shop. For exercising for Kirgishany competitions event I rode from home at morning and directed on Polevskoy highway into Yekaterinburg, at morning it was quite cold and strong cold wind blew in the face, cooling muscles and whole organism, so it was harder to rotate pedals, than in more comfortable weather. Excursion started in a first half of day from southern part of city, first we rode through little parks of South-West of Yekaterinburg, then into Green Grove, after it in Dendrarium and park near Youth Palace. Closer to evening wind became not so strong and cold and it started to be much warmer on the streets, so now rotating pedals became much more interesting. On the event I met old acquaintances, which I know from rides of previous year, and became acquainted with new people. Overall around 20 people participated in excursion, on the way some people leaved the group, part returned back and new ones joined the ride.

I found common topics for conversation with Suvorov Sergey – another one photographer on the event, part of photos in this article belong to him, here is his group in VKontakte, devoted to photographing. At the beginning of evening we have come into Weiner Garden in the center of city, after it again small ride on the city streets; park on the Malyshev and Bazhov streets crossroad with photos making with the locomotive maquette in the background; small uphill and we are on the Meteohill : setting Sun in the city mist fills everything with a light. After it – Pavlik Morozov Park – brave soviet boy, which made ideologically right ( ideologically tough duckspeak ), but in terms of moral and soul – quite controversial deed. Lots of memories are connected with this place. Further we moved to Mayakovskiy Central Park of Culture and Recreation – the largest park of Yekaterinburg, on the way we visited food shop, others made some purchases, I took everything with me : already taught by experience.

On the way in each park Anna told us small story about them and people shared their knowledge about these places, in Mayakovskiy park she made small quiz on the topics of event with give-away of a delicious prizes and small picnic. Closer to evening it started to be colder and people started to ride to their homes, I made some more photos, said “Good bye” to people and rode home – to wind up the distance, accommodate with clip-less pedals even more and make speed on the asphalt. By the 9th May I already knew, what awaits me at evening after sunset, so, this time I dressed much warmer and was not cold at all on the way to home : only hands were slightly blown by the wind, but even this was not strong. Closer to night beginning, receiving impressions and feelings for this day, I arrived at home, met on the way acquainted bicycle rider, we talked for a while and I continued my way. Cooked food, washed myself, sent photos and made connections in social network, then went to sleep. Now training on the ground roads and small hills in the city go on and competitions will start, see you there!

You can see additional photos here : Excursion in the parks of Yekaterinburg from Sportek shop.