On this weekend there were 2 events, which I very liked to attend and decided to visit them both : Velo Drag Racing 2016 Stage I and May Velo Trip 2016, and let it be 250 km in 2 days. I rode at Saturday morning just in time to come to competitions beginning : it is warm and good, Sun is lighting and heat goes up from the asphalt; by the weather forecasts there’ll be light rain at this day, so, knowing the whims of Urals weather, I took with me coat to not cold on the speed after them, when I’ll ride home. Has come to a couple of places for my own businesses and then to VDR 2016 I; arrived before the start of main races, rode in qualification, but did not shown enough speed for going to main rides, yes, I have to develop and train my speed, because I’m oriented more on long-time and metodical pedals rotation without rest, then to sprint. Then I went for one of my the most loved businesses : photos making, results of my work and what I learned during this winter can be seen at bottom of the page.

Women on the bicycles are magnificent, men develop speed just from the start and there is no need to go far from it. After competitions I rode to a couple of other places, above the northern part of Yekaterinburg small rain went on ( whereas southern part and Polevskoy highway kept dry ). And this is all for today’s businesses in Yekaterinburg, then ride to home, eat food, make works at home and prepare to tomorrow’s day. First stage of Velo Drag Racing 2016 went just great. Maybe, I’ll ride on 1 – 2 days, or maybe all 4, to Rhipaean Solstice ( group in social network VKontakte ) as a photographer, I very liked to make photos in a process of competitions; I would have participated in 1 day of races, as rider, but at this year 1-day participation was cancelled and all 4 days of races cost considerable amount of money and I did not rode before 4 days in a row of cross-country 50 – 80 km marathons. Maybe, I’ll also ride to Sarapulka on Need for Speed – road race in 2 days : here ‘ll be ability to make a photos of the speed, with car it would be just great : there would be ability to meet sportsmen a couple of times on the distance. Now I’ll participate in a part of competitions as a rider and on a part as a photographer.

Bought new frontal hub, arrived at home : I cannot just place new frontal hub in front of me and sit and look at it, I need to set it on the bicycle : “But tomorrow there ‘ll be May Velo Trip,” – “It is ok, I’ll invent something,” … up to approximately 3 o’clock of night I changed the hub, respoked only half of a wheel : “The morning is wiser than the evening,” – went to sleep to not brake something in a half-sleeping state. Got up at 5:50 of a morning, even before alarm-clock, laid down for another 20 – 30 minutes, to give a brain in a half-active – half-sleeping state to rest and activate, often this state of half-activity gives neural system ability to rest and activate on a new day much better, than additional 30 minutes of usual deep sleeping. However there is need to not overuse it, because without a full value sleeping neural system will not be able to activate even this way. At morning I continued to respoke the wheel, for a couple of hours worked on this, its centering and rim straightening into one plane; at spokes unscrewing time I teared pair of spokes, because aluminum nipples attached strongly to the steel spokes, next time I’ll screw them with the lubrication. Then businesses before the ride, in result on May Velo Trip ( group in VK ) I moved only at 10:20 – 10:30 a.m. “Hope that organizers will allow me to ride on 50 km, when I’ll arrive to start.“

Almost whole road to Yekaterinburg it was a pleasure itself to rotate the pedals. Only close to the city tube of back wheel started to allow air outside, with its pumping up I arrived to start of May Velo Trip, registered myself, took the map, it is good, that here everything is not so strict, as on competitions; and moved to trip. After start boy around 10 years old approached me : “Can I go with you?” – ( “Hmm, this is not a 100 km road to Shunuth in January, in city everything will be alright,” ) – “Ok, lets go, you’ll ride as much as you can, after Russia Foresters Park you’ll see by your strengths and tell whether you’ll be able to ride further; and make a call to your parents on the way, so that they’ll know where you are and where you ride,” – “Ok, I’ll do this,” – “Lets ride.” On the way I learned, that his name is Artyom, they not long time ago moved to Yekaterinburg and he periodically rides in these areas; replaced tube of back wheel, riding next became easier and more interesting. Markup at the start of a distance is almost missing, probably, with the account on large bicycles riders group, but after start of ways branching everything is good in this respect. Russia Foresters Park : “Will you go further, do you have strengths for this?” – “Yes, I’ll be able,” – “Ok, lets go,” – … : “I want to drink,” – “Here, take tea,” – just small stop here and on 10 x 10 square cm of skin 100 – 200 mosquitoes bite in – this is a nightmare itself, it is better to not stop here without spray against blood suckers.

5% discount on goods in Sportek
Buy sportive goods in Sportek shop and specify my agent data : Karimov Rodion Maratovich, doing this, you’ll receive 5% discount ( does not apply to actions and does not sum with discount cards reduction ), your karma will be increased and you’ll bring happiness to me.We arrived to first checkpoint, child drank water on it, we moved further; hills are not high here, so they did not caused any difficulties; returning trip to entrance of the park. Again asphalt, there is need to look after the child, so that he’ll not ride too fast from hills and so that he’ll not move to carriageway ( “No, next time I’ll not take children of other people with me in such rides : let their parents do this job, look after them and take this responsibility on them” ). Next asphalt, CP, forest, CP; gave to Artyom half of my food, I can ride 50 – 100 – 150 km without food, a fortiori I ate good at morning. It was better to send him on the turn on the third Check Point to 16 km distance, on the way to 4th CP more or less hills started to be on the distance, here he began to tire and it became clear, that moving next ‘ll be difficult for him; we arrived to CP of ProBike Team ( group in VKontakte ), they gave food to child, I wished to take him with me further, but it was very hard for him to climb into following hills. We returned back to 4th CP to send him back on mainland with event organizers.

After consulting with women from ProBike Team on the subject what to do with him, we decided, that it is the best to send him to the Rudniy on direct asphalt road, this is what I done. It’s good, that road is nearby back from CP and it did not take much time. Gave to him money for bus from Rudniy to Yekaterinburg and sent into adult unaided life :-) , I hope, that he arrived without problems : 8 km on direct asphalt road with cars, riding nearby periodically, should not cause difficulties for him. Next time in such trips, if kids are asking to ride with me, then in the city there is ability to think about this, if I’m not loaded very much with my own businesses, but, as soon as forest, ground roads, stones and trees roots start – children have to go home. But anyway, Artyom done well, he rode approximately 25 km and on the asphalt was quite fast, even faster than many adult bikers, if he’ll start to attend sportive bicycles school, then he’ll be able to reach a lot in this area, with proper diligence. “Relived yourself?” ( :-) ) – “Yes, lead him to the road, gave money for the bus and shown the way,” – “Ok, good luck to you,” – “Thank you, … good bye,” – then I enabled my marathon speed and rotated pedals without pauses to arrive to finish and receive ensign.

On the fifth CP I signed all the documents, Anna sprayed me with insects repellent, part of it got into the moth and nose, for it to soak up into the blood. so that vampires ‘ll not be able to suck it, this is it, now I’m an agent of Sportek :-) ( VK group ) , will advertise them from now on, they worth it : quality goods with one of the smallest prices in the city. On the road to fifth CP and slightly after it the most serious uphills and downhills on the whole 50 km distance have started, I made a right thing, by sending child to Rudniy; after CP of Sportek there is a CP of Multiteam ( group in VKontakte ), they have everything organized Ural MTB Marafonish ( VK group ), made a mark on the map, took booklets and stickers and moved further into the forest through the Uktus to the finish. Part of the trails are familiar from competitions of previous year, on them I quickly rode to asphalt and directed to the TC Globe, from which I started.
I managed to arrive in 1 – 2 hours before finish closing, received ensign and lots of booklets and stickers, then rode to do my businesses, before returning back, tube of frontal wheel also started to let air out, and patch of second replacing tube went off; so I installed one, which started to let air out at morning; with it at least with pumping up there is ability to ride 5 – 10 km at once. This way I went to home, periodically making stops for technical maintenance of the bicycle. When I arrived to Mountain Shield, tube again let air out, not far at the back there is a last for today bus to Polevskoy; in perspective camera can start to pass air outside very strongly and I did not wanted too much after 220 km of these 2 days to walk on feet for 30 – 20 km in night-time cooling, with mosquitoes flying around, in a light clothes and boots with cleats and leading bicycle nearby up to 2 – 3 hours of night before the very beginning of a new working week. So, I decided to slightly remember pop-music and managed to city on the bus : “Strengths has left you?” – “No, tubes pass the air out, I would rode without a problems with working tubes.” – … Now gluing of the tubes, technical maintenance of the bicycle and preparation for new deeds, see you on them.
You can see additional photos here : 100 km Velo Drag Racing 2016 Stage I and 120 km May Velo Trip in 2 days.