Company M-Audio presented its new USB audio interfaceM-Track Eight with 24 bits and 96 kHz work mode support, 8 inputs and dynamic range up to 113 dB. On its frontal panel there are : 2 combined XLR/TRS 1/4″ jack microphone/linear/instrumental Hi-Z inputs; screen, showing inputs signal levels with clip indication, volume controls for inputs 1 – 8 and instrumental work mode switches for inputs 1 – 2; phantom power +48 V enabling buttons; Direct Monitor work mode switch, monitor outputs volume control and TRS 1/4″ jack monitor headphones outputs ( 1 and 2 ) with channels selectors and volume controls. Additionally there are main outputs volume control knob, power button and mono mode and additional control buttons. On back panel of audio interface there are placed : USB port for connection to computer; power adapter input; grounding connector; monitor TRS 1/4″ jack analogue outputs ( 1 and 2 ); 8 analogue outputs of the same type; and 6 more combined XLR/TRS 1/4″ jack microphone/linear inputs.
USB audio interface M-Audio M-Track Eight ( back panel )
All analogue inputs and outputs of M-Audio M-Track Eight can work in balanced mode, except of instrumental mode of first 2 inputs; analogue inputs are connected to Octane Preamplifiers. Microphone inputs have 111 dB dynamic range, 111 dB signal to noise ratio and THD+N of 0.002 %; for linear inputs these parameters are equal, accordingly, to : 112 dB, 111 dB and 0.002 %; and for instrumental inputs : 112 dB, 111 dB and 0.001 %. Monitor outputs have dynamic range of 112 dB and THD+N 0.003 %; linear outputs have the same parameters equal to 113 dB and 0.004 %, accordingly. Device draws 19 V and 2.37 A current, its body is made from aluminum, sizes are 483 ( width ) x 150 ( depth ) x 43 ( height ) mm and mass is 1.98 kg.
M-Audio M-Track Eight works in Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and 10 via special drivers and in Mac OS X 10.7.5 and newer without additional drivers via Plug and Play, with support of ASIO 2.0 and Core Audio interfaces, accordingly. Through which it interacts with modern DAWs : Avid Pro Tools, Ableton Live, Steinberg Cubase, FL Studio, Cackewalk Sonar, REAPER and others. With device programs DAWCubase 7 LE and VST/AUWaves Plugin Bundle ( AudioTrack, Eddie Kramer Effect Channel, TrueVerb, L1 Ultramaximizer and Manny Marroquin Delay ) are supplied.
Package with M-Audio M-Track Eight contains : USB cable, power adapter, disks with drivers and programs, warranty card and user’s guide. Audio interface is aimed for professional work in large studios and has large connectors and functions amounts and high characteristics, its price at the time of appearance in shops will be according. For high quality sounds and music reproduction or work in small or medium studios there is ability to buy much cheaper entry and middle level USB audio interfaces of Steinberg, Behringer, Focusrite, Roland, ESI, M-Audio, Alesis and other companies production.
Company Audio-Technica released new very professional 53 mm dynamic monitor headphonesATH-A1000Z with 5 Hz – 43 kHz reproducible sounds frequencies range, 2000 mW max input power, 101 dB/mW sensitivity and closed acoustic architecture. Impedance of headphones is equal to 44 Ohms, mass is 265 g; cable with 3 m length is attached to both cups, in it left and right channels have separate grounds, in contrast to many other headphones, it is connected to sound source via TRS 1/8″ mini jack connector with gold-plated contacts and is not detachable. Manufacturer tells, that there are additional techniques implemented to make amplitude frequency characteristic more even; cups bodies are made from aluminum for reduced chatter during audio playback.
Monitor headphones Audio-Technica ATH-A1000Z
Audio-Technica ATH-A1000Z are not foldable and have no active noise-cancellation function, as some other monitor headphones do, but they have good isolation from external sounds; each cup has only 1 audio emitter. Coils of drivers are wound with use OFC-7N wire for mass reduction and better signal transmittance, yoke of magnet is made from pure iron, which allows to reproduce sounds with higher quality. PCB of Audio-Technica ATH-A1000Z is located in their top part, which allows air to move more freely in cups and also increases quality of reproduction of audio frequencies. Device uses technology Double Air Damping System ( D.A.D.S ), increasing quality and loudness of basses reproduction due to their resonance inside of headphones. Headband and cups are covered with soft material for comfortable wearing during long-time listening; they have no built-in microphone and smartphones and volume control buttons.
Headband of Audio-Technica ATH-A1000Z has auto fit mechanism for comfortable use by users with different head sizes; headphones are supplied only in crimson color variant. Package with Audio-Technica ATH-A1000Z contains : screw-on adapter to TRS 1/4″ jack plug also with gold-plated contacts, warranty card and user’s guide. Headphones are very professional : they have large membranes, very wide reproducible sound frequencies range, very high max input power and good sensitivity, their price is according : goes up to 680 USD. For their characteristics, they are not overpriced, because headphones are oriented for very professional studio application; but they are not needed for simple high quality audio and music reproduction : for this purpose there is ability to buy much cheaper consumer level or professional studio entry level 40 or 50 mm monitor headphones with good characteristics. If compactness and small mass of device is needed the most, then there is ability to buy much cheaper in-ears headphones, which do not provide the same quality of sounds frequencies reproduction, as monitor headphones, but they are very light, comfortable and have small sizes. Which is very important during sportive exercises and trainings; also cable of such headphones often has slider and clip, which prevent its tangling and clinging to clothes and surrounding objects.
There is also need to note, that Audio-Technica – is a Japanese company, established in Tokyo in 1962 year, as phonographs cartridges producer. Then it started to develop and introduced among its products microphones and headphones, among which now there are wired and wireless models. At current moment it is one of the leading foreign consumer sound electronics and government organizations devices supplier in USA. And in the country of a rising Sun audio devices are usually made with high quality of components and assembling.
Formula 255 bicycles cross-country competitions : after competitions and before awards giving
At Tuesday I rode to bicycles cross-country competitions Formula 255 in Upper Ufaley, got up at 5:30 a.m. o’clock, wished to go earlier, but while awoke completely, prepared and made part of home businesses – from Polevskoy northern part I rode only at 7:30 – 7:40 a.m. o’clock. There was strong frontal cold wind, so on the heights and open areas this was felt quite strong, especially above large fields near Poldnevaya village; after it I entered forest on the way to Kladovka village and it became much easier to rotate pedals, to village itself good asphalt road leads on, after it on the way to Cheremshanka village – quite good ground-stony-sand road, which is much better, than road to Large Lavrovka village after asphalt, and in warm weather, than potholes nightmare on 20 – 30 km near Itkul Lake in the direction to Upper Ufaley. It is much faster to ride on it and it is 2 – 3 times shorter, than detour through Itkul, by 12 o’clock I arrived to Upper Ufaley, then at 12:20 to ski base, registered myself, small breath-taking and food and without much rest in the fight again, lets start begin …
Beginning of lap of Formula 255 competitions
“Isn’t girl-sportsmen laying there somewhere?” – ( “As Natalia on Grand Rock competitions” ) – “No, I haven’t seen her,” – “When you’ll ride, will you look?” – “Ok, I’ll look for her. :-) ” … “The main thing – is to not give up,” – “Yes, that’s for sure.” First 2 laps after 60 km ride without rest it was hard to move on in competitions tempo, by 3rd I switched on, on 4th one I drank some tea and it became much easier : “Let it be not so fast, but I’ll ride these 4 – 5 laps – for how many I’ll have a time before finish closing – not to go away from distance I rode here, I’ll not stop.” I completed 4 laps, I would rode 5th one too, but finish was already closed. Made a mark in referees protocol, then walked to eat, to rest and to prepare camera, after rides forgot to reduce diaphragm, so part of photos from awards giving are soaped. First awards was given to children, then to juniors, then to men-fitness, then to women-sportsmen, then to veterans, then to men-sportsmen 19+ and by the final to bicycles families + thank you giving to partners of event and award giving to the most young participant. All in all competitions were great : lots of positive and good impressions, as well as cheerfulness charge for a whole May holidays and subsequent work-days, thank you to competitions organizers – Ural Cycling Project and partners of event.
Before awards giving
After awards-giving I ate small amount of food, prepared and moved into way back home. Just one view of quarry near Cheremshanka is worth all this way. Uphills and downhills from them near quarries away from heavy technics – is a good place to train and form development, they are very similar to ones on Grand Rock competitions. Then downhills from northern slope, on which I rode at morning, and I set my wheels on ground-stony-sand road with not so steep hills. Quite fast I managed to Kladovka, there is asphalt in it, on it I rode very fast to Poldnevaya village, removing tiredness on the way from my legs.
In awards giving time
On the way to competitions on the hills with wind in face it was slightly undermined me : “This year I’ll ride less to competitions and will make more businesses …” – but after competitions : “No way, I’ll ride and travel this year and receive impressions so much, that I’ll have no any wish to ride somewhere at Winter in the frosts.” 30 – 40 minutes before sunset I arrived to Poldnevaya, it was still warm above the ground. Closer to Polevskoy with high cadence on asphalt all tiredness after competitions came out from my legs and I was not tired at all, clipless pedals is a great thing. 20 – 30 minutes after sunset I entered into Polevskoy, in some forest areas near it it was quite cold already and on the speed with wind hands froze a little and wind blew the clothes, but in city itself it was +9 degrees on Celsius and very warm. Approximately at 9:40 – 10 p.m. o’clock I arrived to home, viewed myself and clothes on the wood ticks presence : there was no them ( thank you goes to aerosol protection of the clothes and I did not walked much in the forests ), then I ate small amount of food, made some home businesses and went to sleep. Next time for competitions I’ll invent something better, than to ride 60 km against wind into hills before actual competitions, there is ability to go to Upper Ufaley by train or at least to ride to Poldnevaya village or to Kladovka itself by bus – it is much easier to ride 25 – 15 km, than 60 ones.
Formula 255 bicycles cross-country competitions : women-sportsmen awards giving
It was a great preparation for Kirgishany competitions : 140 km, 80 of them are on good asphalt with high speed and good hills, around 40 are ground-stony-sand roads with good covering for cross-country training and around 20 km of forest ground roads in competitions tempo. This road is much better for preparations to competitions and much more effective for trainings, then to knead clay on the feet for 40 km on the way to Shunuth mountain : there are good asphalt areas, where high speed can be developed, and lots of hills, where I can exercise myself, especially with the wind in a face; there are ground-stony-sands areas with very good covering and very good hills for trainings; distance itself is marathon + half – whole distance of reserve – this is the best for trainings. Also, I ride whole way on the bicycle and do not go off from it : this way it is much better to prepare for competitions, then to walk on feet for 40 km; there is a small amount of cars on it, this is a good, and at the same time they ride sometimes nearby and people in them can help in the emergency case. Also this road leads through civilization – it is much more interesting to ride on it, then to ride alone into the wilderness for tens of km and go mad – will train myself for competitions on this road to Upper Ufaley and will choose mountains for substantive rides not so far from civilization. See you on the next bicycles adventures!
Formula 255 bicycles cross-country competitions : men-sportsmen 19+ awards givingThank you giving to partners of competitionsQuarry near Cheremshanka village after competitionsQuarry near Cheremshanka after competitionsQuarry near Cheremshanka after competitions
Company Behringer released new USB audio interface of entry-level U-PHORIA UM2 with 48 kHz sampling rate, 100 dB dynamic range and 1XENYX preamplifier. Manufacturer does not tell with which precision device works, but the most probably with 24 bits; on frontal panel of device there are : combined XLR/TRS 1/4″ jack microphone/linear input and TRS 1/4″ jack instrumental Hi-Z input with signal and clip indicators, Direct Monitor function switch, power and phantom power +48 V indicators, as well as TRS 1/4″ jack monitor headphones output. On back panel of deice there are : 2 RCA linear outputs ( left and right ), USB port for powering and connection to computer, phantom power +48 V switch and Kensington Lock slot; on top panel of audio interface there are placed microphone/linear and instrumental inputs gain and linear outputs volume control knobs.
USB audio interface Behringer U-PHORIA UM2 ( back panel )
Behringer U-PHORIA UM2 draws only 2.5 W of energy and works in Mac OS X without additional drivers with Core Audio interface support; in Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 and 10 it works through ASIO 4 All driver; in both OSes device interacts with modern DAWs : FL Studio, Cackewalk Sonar, REAPER, Avid Pro Tools, Ableton Live, Steinberg Cubase and others, All analogue inputs and outputs of device are unbalanced. With Behringer U-PHORIA UM2 DAWTracktion is supplied, after its purchase from manufacturer’s website there is ability to download different VST/AU instruments and effects and various other applications. Device’s body is made from aluminum, its sizes are 46.45 ( height ) x 128 ( depth ) x 118 ( width ) mm and mass is 300 g.
USB audio interface Behringer U-PHORIA UM2 ( top view )
Package with Behringer U-PHORIA UM2 contains : USB cable, 3-year warranty card and user’s guide. Audio interface is good as compact sounds recording device with low power consumption and it can be viewed for purchase, when these qualities are imperative and mono-signal recording is enough; probably, its price will also be not high. But there are compact devices with better characteristics, for example, ESI UGM96, as well as others. If compactness and low power consumption are not so important, then there is ability to find USB audio interface of entry, middle and top level with much better characteristics of Steinberg, Behringer, Focusrite, Roland, ESI, M-Audio, Alesis and other companies production.
Russia and Zimbabwe develop relations and joint projects, so Russian companies will strengthen their positions in gold, diamonds and platinum mining in Zimbabwe, as well as Russian side will supply newest technologies in their mining. Additionally Russia considers ability to supply flour, drought resistant crops species and pesticides; also countries intend to grow together sugarcane and to develop vaccines for farm animals. Oil prices continue to grow, partly this is connected to anticipation of reduction of its production by countries-non members of OPEC, partly with removing from markets of cheap oil from territories, which previously were controlled by ISIS in Syria, and partly with anticipation of increase of demand in it by the end of this year – beginning of next. However, analysts do not have common opinion on how long this grow will go on, there is ability, that after some time this growth will be changed with new lowering.
Russia and Saudi Arabia compete for oil markets of private refineries in China, both countries offer large discounts to foothold on markets; it is also worth the effort to look on Indian market, until Iran did not filled it with its oil and plans to restore production to pre-sanctions levels. European Central Bank started to unofficially remove 500 Euro banknotes from markets, it is told that main reason of this is the fact, that such banknotes are widely used by criminals and banknotes with smaller nominal will make criminal operations much harder. But, probably, this is just one of the reasons, maybe USA push on Europe and try to remove large amount of money in Euro from markets and substitute their dollar in its place. Financial group VTB can receive operation on Sochi Autodrome, which holds Russian stage of Formula 1 race competitions, because Bank of Moscow, which was creditor of object construction, now is the part of VTB group. This is all for today in economical and related political and society events for this week, stay tuned for the releases.