Lets start to make small reviews of world economical events to develop in this area and to be in course of things, that happen in it. On this week Ruble continues strengthening relative to USD, Yuan does the same on the funds of Central Bank of China, which invested in economics of country around 22 billions of USD. Due to cheap oil and small revenue from its selling Russia and Saudi Arabia reduce defense spendings, maybe after today’s meeting there’ll be some movements toward agreement about its more moderate extraction, so that its price will stabilize and go to optimal level. Government of South Africa wishes to accept agreement with Russia on nuclear energy development in country, which will be good for its citizens and Russia citizens too. Chinese military forces established first marine forces base in Africa, which signals about increase of interest of one of the economically strongest countries in region; maybe, this will contribute to stabilization of situation on continent and will decrease destabilizing influences of USA on region’s countries. This all for today, next review will be in around 1 week.