Yesterday I rode from Polevskoy to Snezhinsk, through Poldnevaya, Dautovo and Itkul villages. At the morning it was dry and warm, so it was nice to ride on the bicycle. Roads in Polevskoy at this Autumn day are covered with dirt, so at the exit from city bicycle was already also covered in it. In the direction of Poldnevaya road is clear, has small amount of traffic and has lots of downhills and uphills, so, there is ability to upheat yourself and gain higher rate of pedaling. Poldnevaya is readying for winter : fields are fertilized and plowed before intensive snowfall, for better harvest on next Autumn. Road upto Sverdlovsk and Chelyabinsk regions border is clear and dry, as before Poldnevaya village; after it and to Itkul lake it was not only broken this day, but flooded and covered with dirt, which quickly moves on to the bicycle.

On the turn to Upper Ufaley this time I rode in the left direction, instead of right one. In this are asphalt is intact and mostly not plowed by heavy cars. I did not rode in these areas, first stranger on my way is Dautovo village, in the pine forest on the shore of Itkul lake, views here are picturesque : low leaden clouds run above surface of lake, Sun sometimes looks through them and sends its rays to surface in the half-darkness, on the distant hills unmelted snow still lays after recent freezes and snowfalls. Further on the way is Itkul village, in which there is ability to stray and make some turns in deadends and find right way. After it another small village lays, with steep downhills and uphills, on which stealthy cars riding from behind cannot be heard due to wind, playing in the ears; I did not remembered its name, because I flew through it very fast. 5 – 10 km forward it becomes clear, that serious closed area city is in front : there are straight electricity pillars on the sides of road with intact wires, clearness and tidiness on the road itself and on the area around it and roadblock in front with iron fence with barbed wire above it and, maybe, electricity current connected to it. This is Snezhinsk. Entrance in the city is strictly via permittances, because there is research and development nuclear center located in it. I heard and read about this, now I know this by myself. So, road to Vishnevogorsk lays around Itkul lake through Upper Ufaley city.

Near this road block I turned and rode back to my home, way went without problems, only near Polevskoy small rain started to pour and it became colder, before the darkness I was already at home. Overall I rode 130 km in around 8 hours at this day with all uphills, downhills, broken road areas and stops for bicycle tweaking and food eating. Next time I’ll rode to other area, where I was not before. 次の自転車イベントでお会いしましょう!