Russia anticipates to receive this year resolution from China to supply additional kinds of crops and their processing products, this will contribute into agriculture development in Russia and will strengthen trade between two countries. Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Iran and Oman ratified agreement about “Central Asia – Persian Gulf” transport corridor, which will make it easier and faster to transport goods and resources from Central Asia to Persian Gulf, which will help to develop economically these regions. In the world crisis of steel overproduction continues to go on : China produces it in very big amounts and this leads to price lowering; it is now on such levels, that many European plants are unremunerative and companies have to close them. So, European Union introduces new dues on its import from China; China promises to think about lowerings its production, but now does not intend to increase steel making lowering rates for the sake of European manufacturers.
Meeting in Doha on oil did not lead to agreement about its production freezing, but this rendered only psychological influence on its price and it continues to be formed by physical market factors. USD to currencies of six biggest trade partners of USA continues to lower, which lead to according changes of resources’ prices. This is all for today from world economical events during week.