Raged aspen on the way to top of Berezovaya mountain
At this Saturday I rode in the direction of Large Lavrovka village and to Berezovaya mountain. Road to village is periodically cleared from snow, but not often, so it is covered with 3 – 5 cm of snow in cars’ tracks area and with 20 – 30 cm snowdrifts on the sides. There is ability to ride on the asphalted part, but on the clay area and further on ground road there is ice under fresh loose snow and wheels are dragged in different directions, rear wheels does not cling to surface. There is ability to manage to Shunuth, but only on foots and, taking into account distance surface conditions and distance itself, closer to the beginning of next day morning. When daylight hours will be longer ( at least up to 6 p.m. o’clock ), December and January frosts will pass and temperature will rise up to -3 – -1 degrees on Celsius during twenty four hours and snow will be solid ( at the beginning of February ) I’ll ride again in the direction of Large Lavrovka, will make snowshoes by that time and will walk to Shunuth on foots.
Pine on top of Berezovaya mountain
Walking and riding back to turn to Berezovaya, I went to mountain; on part of this road cars periodically ride, but wheels are dragged anyway, so there is need to walk on foots to the mountain. After recent thaws puddles melt again : somewhere it is water-snow-ice freezing mass, which gives good adhesion for feet, somewhere it is deep puddles, in pair of them I drenched my boots, initially I did not noticed this in snowdrifts and noticed only when I rode home and feet were purged by wind on the speed. After bulldozer road turn road area is covered with the snow further and in grooves legs go into snowdrifts up to the waist, central part is still walkable. Way to the mountains – every time is a new tests, adventures and difficulties and obstacles overcoming, even if I already rode and walked to them and know the road. Snow layer on the meadow in front of mountain is deeper this time, only in the forest it is still not so deep.
Aspen on top of Berezovaya mountain
On top of mountain part of trees were fallen by wind, from some old and drying pines it tore off all needles, but majority stay and wait for the next Spring to unfold and blossom again. This day wind was not so strong on top of mountain and mist thickened only in the distance, so I was able to discern open areas closer to horizon : these are not lake, these are plains near Kenchurka village, somewhere there Ustig ( 601 m ), Nikulichev ( 600 m ) and Darovatskiy Stone ( 575 m ) mountains are located; to the south from Berezovaya 500 – 600 m high Ufaley ridge peaks go on and to the south from Glubochenskiy Pond 532 m high mountain is located. Wish Spring to come faster and snowdrifts to melt also. When I rode back from mountain, road was cleared from snow, maybe it is being cleared up to Large Lavrovka village, so at the beginning of February there will be ability to ride to it and walk to Shunuth in 1 daylight hours time. By the way, area, to which I rode previous time near Zuzleka village – is not a White Stone, rocks are big, but it is not it, it should be 534 m high and be much higher, than forest around, its rocks massif goes from south to the north for almost 1 km, so, next time, when weather will be warm enough, I’ll ride to search for it, but this time via the other road to not to stray in the Zuzelka forest crossroads and glades. See you there!
Fields near Kenchurka villageFields near Kenchurka villageOld pine on top of mountainTilted tree on top of Berezovaya mountain
Yesterday morning was cold, temperature oscillated near -10 degrees on Celsius, I did not wanted to wait till Spring and rode to White Stone now, and then to Berezovaya mountain. Without problems I arrived to Zuzelka village, after previous rendezvous I associated landscapes, that I saw, with satellite map and found junction, on which I followed in wrong direction. This time I chose right way and managed to White Stone, road to it is not hard : there is need to carry bicycle on oneself for 3 – 4 km through snowdrifts and the same distance and the same way back, at its southern part even forest road goes on, on which cars periodically ride even now ( it seems, that it starts in Severskiy or at northern part of Zuzelka ). Rocks of White Stone are relatively big, but they are located not very high ( 200 m above sea level max ) and even not higher than forest around them. On the rocks I made some photos, drank hot tea from thermos and then navigated the same way to Zuzelka. From it I again rode to Azov mountain and after it to Berezovaya mountain.
White Stone rocks
This time way to the mountain was easier in some respect, because all puddles and clay at last have been frozen, I did not drenched my boots and knew where and how to ride. Also, I accounted experience of previous ride and took off frontal wing from bicycle; through this road even now cars periodically ride, probably, foresters and hunters. Day was without a snow and Berezovaya was seen from a distance, while nearing to mountain; in one place on downhill clay road is fully covered with ice and there is need to walk on it cautiously to not to ride down on the tail bone for 100 – 200 m on the ice influxes. Cars ride only on the tracked bulldozer road and to the mountain itself there is need to walk on the snowy forest way for 200 – 300 m, carrying bicycle on oneself. This time there were fresh prints of boots on the snow and my footprints with wheels protectors tracks on the side after previous ride.
View from White Stone
I walked up to the mountain on the same way, at previous trip I noticed that bark of aspens is raged, at that time I did not looked on this for too long, but this time I figured out what is this : this not looks like claws traces, this looks like teeth prints, like somebody gnaw rounded it; it seems that it is so : elks, deers or roes come here and gnaw bark from aspens. They do this not the first time : under fresh marks there is raged wood, that dries for some years. This time I uplifted bicycle higher and locked it to tree, as previous time. Then ascended to rocks, made a couple of photos and moved to highest rock : to look on this view and to record it. I made photos and videos, then drank hot tea and stood there for 20 – 30 minutes : mountains, indeed, change people from inside, when sky is so close and landscapes around are so open, something changes inside and I start to feel happiness and mirth in the life. This is worth it, to overcome all difficulties and ride and walk here. I even do not want to go from here, but freeze, wind and evening hours make a hint, when time comes to descend and go in a returning way home.
White Stone rocks
I managed down from the mountain without any problems, unlocked bicycle from tree, hung and locked my bag to it and went to the road, here now is a small forest trail, so now it is much easier to go down from mountain and up to it, than at previous time. On the snow-drifted road wheels did not stopped and icecrust did not formed on them, so I walked through this area much faster. Before dusk I managed to rolled road and rode on it on the bicycle, walking on foots only through the icy areas; it started to dark only when I arrived to road between Zuzelka and Large Lavrovka. Periodically it is cleaned from snow and it is rolled by cars, but it is not sprinkled by road salt; on it I rode to Polevskoy and then to the home. At winter time, when long-distances are hardly rideable ( with the returning and not freezing something to oneself condition ), to not to bore and to not to sour, as soon as weather is warm enough, I’ll ride mainly to Azov mountain and here to Berezovaya mountain; and at a Spring time, as soon as temperature will go upper than zero and everything will melt, I’ll ride further, higher, stronger and faster! See you on the next bicycles event!
White Stone rocksAspen bark, raged by elks, deers or roesBerezovaya mountain rocksView from Berezovaya mountainView from Berezovaya mountainBerezovaya mountain rocksView from Berezovaya mountainView from Berezovaya mountainView from Berezovaya mountainView from Berezovaya mountainView from Berezovaya mountainBerezovaya mountain rocks
Yesterday I rode on the bicycle in the direction of White Stone mountain near Zuzelka village and to Berezovaya mountain. The snowy and cold morning was, temperature was near -3 degrees on Celsius. Icing was on the roads, covered by snow, so, in the city I rode mostly on the sidewalks and with slow speed on the road. I reached Zuzleka without problems, village itself is located on the hills near Azov-mountain and there is ability to warm-up on them before upcoming trip. According to the map, to the west from it road goes on, and to the north from it another small branch leads, under the snow I rode past it; next strayed for a while on the crossroads in the forest and arrived to quarry to the west from Zuzelka. Search of the right path to White Stone in the knee-deep snow would took too much time and I would not arrived in time before dark to the place, which I wanted to visit the most in this day; so, I’ll search right path to White Stone closer to Spring, when snow-crust will be solid or when snow will melt. From the quarry I navigated to village and from it rode in the direction of Azov mountain.
Forest road near Zuzelka
On the way I met skier : “Sportive-hello!” – “Hello!” – and people, who exercised Scandinavian walk, road in this area is slowly covered by snow. According to the map, after 2 km after turn to Azov mountain road is crossed by river Polevaya – here is it, crosses it in 3 places with 3 its riverbeds, next road branch goes to the north – here is it; next another 2 – 3 km and branch goes on to the south to Berezovaya mountain. Near it I met 2 Nivas ( Russian Jeeps ) and 1 minibus and hunters with guns, part of them stood and talked about their businesses and part stood aside. I turned to the south, from here to the mountain is around 5 – 6 km, half of this way – is relatively good ground road with packed snow, on which still not frozen puddles are located periodically, here in the forest it is still warm enough. It is still rideable on the bicycle. Then clay road goes on with sides chest or sometimes neck tall, that is rolled only by tracked bulldozer : it seems, that at summer rainy time only such kind of transport and people on foot or on horses will be able to ride here. Part of clay and puddles still not frozen and is covered by snow, first I drenched my left boot, after some time – right one, I went further.
Rocks near Zuzelka quarry
Berezovaya mountain
Is the highest peak of the Ufaley ridge and its northern conclusion, its height is 609 m above the sea level.
On the way to mountain open areas are located, on which through some times weakening snowfall its silhouette can be seen in distance; road is crossed by other ones, which go from east to west, after approximately 3 – 4 km after turn bulldozer road goes to the east, I walked on it for around 1 km, but it does not lead to mountain, as Berezovaya should be very close to the forest path; in the south-west direction very snow-covered road goes on from this moment. On the way I met old wooded pillars, with signs on them, it seems, that they signify forest areas and directions. Above the forest helicopter flew, very close and very low, and flew somewhere in the north-western direction. And so Berezovaya peak shown oneself, it is very tall, even taller than She-wolf mountain. Ahead only snow-puddles go on with trodden tracks somewhere there in the deep, I went on them for a while, looking for the rolled way to mountain, but there is no one. So, I turned from the road and went to mountain through the snowdrifts on the meadow, carrying my bicycle on the shoulder. On the meadow snow goes up to hips, so I turned to the small spruce forest on its side, snowdrifts are smaller in it, and went to mountain through it. Uphill to Berezovaya with bicycle on the shoulder through snowdrifts – is a thing to remember, no gyms are needed after it.
Rocks near Zuzelka quarry
It’s sorry about She-wolf, she’s chained by the roads and ski lifts, enforced she is, a weaklings ascend on it, those, who not deserve it, so sorry mountain.
On the snow there are only dog’s ( unlikely ) or wolf’s footprints, so bicycle can be left in forest, it will not be stolen, and, even if there would be other people in the forest, then unlikely somebody, except me, would have been wanted to carry it on oneself through the snowdrifts. So, upwalking almost to the rocks of mountain, I mounted bicycle to tree with lock, took off bag with tea, food and equipment from it and went to the mountain on the light. On its top from ground relatively big rocks look out. In the northern and eastern directions its slopes are not very steep and they are grown with trees. There are lots of birches on its peak – from here is the name ( Berezovaya mountain is the Birch mountain in Russian ). The biggest rocks are located on its south-western sides and on these sides its slopes go sharply down, opening view on tenths of km around : on the open areas near it after forest cuts or after fires, lake and open areas in the distance. I ascended on all rocks and made photos and videos, then went to the biggest rock, strong wind blew periodically, which pluck off snow from trees and rocks and covered everything in snowy mist. I stood on the rock and made photos and let this view inside of me, sky cleared slightly for a while, when wind dispersed clouds, weather was changing : it was snowing, and then Sun glimpses shown oneself for a while. I descended from rock, slightly further from wind, wet boots, pants, mittens and bag was covered with ice on the wind, it additionally kept warmth and protected from the wind. I took with me raincoat and this time was equipped much better, than at the rides to Shunuth and to the She-wolf, and almost did not felt any cold or wind. Only hands frozen on the wind, when I made photos and videos.
Quarry near Zuzelka
I drank hot tea from the thermos, warmed photo camera in pocket of my jacket : on the wind its battery frozen and stopped to power it, so, periodically in photos and videos recording it rejected to work. After warming I ascended again on the biggest rocks, recorded video and made a few more photos, stood and looked on this view for another 20 – 30 minutes. It is time to go home. Sunset hours are already on the mountain. I descended from the rocks, made some more its photos, recorded video and on my footprints started to descend down and to the bicycle. Horse waited for me there, where I left it, metal lock covered with ice and started to stick to the hands, when I unlocked bicycle. I put my bag on the shoulder, took bicycle under armpit and went down to the road. On the way I met not frozen puddles in grooves of meadow and the forest edge, quickly enough I arrived to cars prints in the forest, by that time they were covered with snow even more.
Road to Berezovaya mountain
After puddles in the snowdrifts both wheels was being covered with snow-icy mass and frontal wheel periodically stopped, I rotated it and plucked ice layer from the rim and went further; after some time I unfastened frontal V-brake, because wheel completely iced. There was need to took off frontal wing before trip, because wet snow accumulated under it, which turned in the ice, and stopped movement, so there was need to push bicycle with strength ahead. When I managed to bulldozer road, dusk descended on the forest, road here is straight, so one cannot be strayed here, on the way I drenched both boots a couple of times more, but did not payed attention to this anymore, even more : in the snow in forest on the foots water on the contrary warmed feet slightly. When I arrived to rolled ground road with scattering of stones, it became dark, I went on feet here also, because by that time it was already strongly covered with snow, in the darkness its more or less rolled parts was not visible and ice stopped movement. Under sky light trees was clearly visible to the sides of a way, and after some time I managed to road between Zuzelka and Large Lavrovka, scratched ice from frontal wheel, rotated wing sideways, so that wheel would pluck off ice from under it, walked uphill and rode further to the home; on the way I met cars, that moved in the Large Lavrovka direction, in their lights it was visible, that road is already strongly covered with snow. Without problems I arrived to Azov mountain, then to Zuzelka and then to the Polevskoy.
Road to Berezovaya mountain
I rode to home, took off my coat, boots and shoelaces on them was icy, so, I walked for around 10 minutes in the boots at home, giving them ability to melt. Then took off them, hung icy armor in the bedroom to melt and to dry after it, drank hot tea and ate food. Made some home businesses and went to sleep. Ye-e-es, see you on the next bicycles event!
Forest road to Berezovaya mountainForest on the side of road to Berezovaya mountainRoad to Berezovaya mountainBerezovaya mountainOpen area in front of Berezovaya mountainOn the peak of Berezovaya mountainBirch forest on the peak of mountainBirch forest on the peak of mountainRocks on the peak of Berezovaya mountainForest on the peak of mountainView from the rocksHighest rock on the peak of Berezovaya mountainView from the rocksView from the rocksView from the rocksRocks of Berezovaya mountain
You can see rest of photos here. Tomorrow I’ll upload rest of videos.
From the ShunuthShe-wolf mountain, or slag hills near Degtyarsk are visible, I rode to them for exploration. At the beginning of a day it was cloudy and cold on the streets. Polevskoy highway is still not prepared for winter : it is not cleared from snow and not covered with salt, so, I rode on it carefully and with small speed, without problems I arrived to turn to Degtyarsk and Revda near Kurganovo and rode on this road. Strong west wind with snow in the face blew above it, road is full of uphills and downhills, but even on downhills wind slowed down movement speed, snowy landscapes and few still not frozen rivers swept nearby. I arrived to Degtyarsk – it is small mining city with ore mining plants, slag hills and quarries in it. Roads are narrow and are covered with snow in it, heavy cars often move on them, so, often I rode on the roads sides. On the way, chain started to freeze in cold and on wind and acquired a wavy form, because of this it started to try to jump from 2nd gear to 3rd one on the frontal system, with periodical slipping and falling inside, this made ride harder and longer and there often was need to ride on the first one frontal gear. Quickly I rode through the city and came to road to Revda : this snowy day asphalt-laying machines stood on it. On the way there is turn to the East with block-post and fence near it, which leads uphill to some industrial quarry and near which heavy cargo cars often move.
Turn to the She-wolf mountain
Next, entrance to Revda city goes on, on which wind, no longer chained with forest and hills, shows his full strength and fury, almost fully stopping me with the bicycle on downhills : city is open and there are lakes near it, so wind gains high speed and strength above them. Quickly I rode to turn to the She-wold mountain, I did not ascend on it this day, otherwise I would completely miss concert in Yekaterinburg, so, I’ll ride to it next Spring, when roads will melt and will be more easily rideable. Maybe from She-wolf Fun mountains are visible, Konzhak unlikely visible from them, but I’ll look in that direction anyway and next I’ll find where to look.
She-wolf mountain
Road in this area periodically narrows and widens, giving ability to ride at high speed on a highway. Near Revda one of the drivers signaled to me in my support, I smiled in reply and rode further. Medicine and Emergency center with ready to take off helicopters is located near the road. All in all 40 km from Revda did not caused any difficulties, Sun even looked through the clouds and lit snowy landscape for a while. When I approached Yekaterinburg, it was already dark and city lighting appeared above horizon, on the entrance in city street and buildings lights met me : ride in the city at dark time with such lighting is one of the biggest pleasures in the life. I rotated pedals as I can, because DO and warmth waited me ahead. On the way to CK Ural I visited a couple of places for my own businesses and arrived to CK itself, I missed first part, but ride was worth it and 2nd and 3rd parts were interesting. This day Different Orchestra played “5 years” concerto, it turned so, I give my congratulations by the way, compositions of different genres and styles were played on the concert and orchestra prepared mix of a most, what it played before. Trip-hop, drum and bass and rap styles compositions were played and works of Depeche Mode and Sansara, Kurara and Ek-Playaz were performed, with participation of 2nd, 3rd and 4th ones. What was in a first part, I do not know for now, but soon videos will be uploaded and I’ll learn from them what I missed.
Snowfall near CK Ural in Yekaterinburg
After concert I dressed my hiking ammunition and went to my bicycle, snowfall started on the streets and it became warmer, horse cold, waiting for me, but I quickly heated him up, ride through the night city, still full of activity, and I’m on the Polevskoy highway in the company of periodically riding nearby cars. On the downhills on biggest frontal gear chain straightened and stopped attempts to jump to other gears and slip. Pedals rotating and Mountain Shield, railway bridge, Kurganovo and turn to Degtyarsk and Revda, on which I rode whole eternity ago, pass nearby. And so I arrived to Polevskoy ( Jupiter, Venus and Mars rose on the East ) and to my home, at last, ate food, warmed myself and went to sleep. This day I rode 160 snowy, windy and cold kilometers. In real Urals freezes I’ll ride on bicycle mostly in Polevskoy, because on such distances technics can not withstand. See you on the next bicycles adventures!
Once upon a time at the cold Autumn day I rode to Shunuth mountain, that was yesterday! Weather favored : at Wednesday and Thursday it was very cold in this area and everything froze, at Saturday at morning and daytime temperature was around zero and everything is not blockaged with snow yet. At Thursday in the cold I was slightly blown and rode at this morning with small hum in the head with not very high speed. Road to Zuzelka village did not caused any difficulties, on the uphill over Azov mountain I started to upheat myself and cold started to retreat. Further along the way there are 6 km of asphalt, then frozen clay, which now is rideable through. On the way I met 3 hunters with guns, which asked me : “Didn’t you saw gonschacks?” – “Whom?” – “Dogs!” – “No, I didn’t saw them,” – and rode further along my way. Clay area is elongated on 2 – 3 km and alternates with frozen puddles-skate rinks, on them I stretched a couple of times : how without this in such a journey. Next to the Large Lavrovka village relatively calm frozen dirt road with stones leads, which only rarely crossed by waves of dirt. Village itself is small with only around 10 – 15 good looking houses in it.
Clay area on the way to the Large Lavrovka village
After it field goes on, on the southern border of which frozen grassy road is located with breaking crust of ice on the puddles, it leads to the forest. In the forest I oriented with map, which I draw ahead of time, and compass. In one area I turned to the north and rode 3 – 4 km on road, I met bridge through river and cordon near field on my way, I passed them and after some time road turned to the east, I have no need to ride in this direction, understanding, that road leads me in a wrong way, I turned back to the place on which I step off from more trodden road. After some time it lead me to the field and the same cordon, that is visible in distance : there was ability to pass through it and arrive to the right path, now I’ll know this, in case if I’ll need this. Further ahead frozen grassy road goes on, which is quite rideable on the bicycle.
Bridge through the river on the way to cordon near Large Lavrovka
After a couple of kilometers frozen skate rinks on the roads-rivers or rivers-roads go on, knee or waist deep in some places, it is good, that everything froze, because at 0 degrees on Celsius drench boots or find yourself these knee or waist deep in the water is not quite Feng Shui. Closer to Shunuth roads-rivers are frozen only partially and on one or both ruts brooks flow. In some places, waiting for me, insidious ice breaks under bike : these place I walked on the frozen road sides. In one place road is crossed by 1 – 2 m wide river, there is ability to pass it offside from the road by jumping from one bank to the other. Next uphill, rocks on the sides of road and on it itself and brooks flowing towards me go on : I’m on the right way, I’m going there, from where rivers flow. On one of the crumbling ice jams I capitally slipped off and landed with my right side on the bike frame in the area slightly higher than liver, breaking plastic food jar – but this is ok, there are no adventures without this. After 2 – 3 km road became dry and there was ability to again ride on the bike on it, such uphill goes on for 3 – 4 km and road rests in the another one, which goes from south to north. In the southern direction road goes slightly in the hill, so I rode slightly on it, but my feeling told me that I do not need to go there and I remembered from the map, that there is no need to go to south at all. I turned to the north and after 300 – 400 m met sign : “Especially protected area Shunuth-Rock mountain,” – oh, yes! Northern road went down – I do not need there, western road went up – I need to go here. After 1 – 2 km I met Old Man Rock sign, after another 300 m rock itself. I made some photos, recorded video and admired the view. After it road with the sign about Shunuth Mountain, that leads to the north, goes on, it is covered knee deep with snow. Wet rim in the snow and wind and cold started to freeze and to stop rotating, by freezing up with V-brakes on the front wheel, I rotated it a couple of times and broke icy connection, further on the way in the snowdrifts front wheel did not stopped movement. After around 100 m I arrived to southern Shunuth rocks.
Aspen wood on the way to Shunuth
Winter already took its frontier on Shunuth. From the west cold wind blows. I took with me my raincoat : even this can be anticipated from Ural’s weather, and it excellently protected me from wind blows and saved warmth. And I saw tops of the trees and areas open on tenths of kilometers, sky is within reach of a hand. Made some photos, drank hot tea and ate banana. Sun looked out from the clouds. And I continued to make photos and record videos and accrete with my soul to this view and let in view, sky, air, snow, rocks inside of me. So I’ve been there for a half an hour, exactly for this I rode here, oh yes, I made it! This is exactly what I needed so much.
Birch on the way to Shunuth
With quite different mood and being quite a different man I rode home. Now downhills from Shunuth, on which all ice scrapped off from front rim and rear disk. To the south, then to the east again and winter started to retreat : again roads-rivers flow and stones look out from under the ice. Downhill from mountain is much easier, I rode on my traces, without any problems started to approach cordon near Large Lavrovka, Sun set around 2 hours ago, above the forest dusk thickened, I rode past cordon and arrived to the turn, on which I rode to the north. It became completely dark.
Ice road-rivers on the way to Shunuth
Road between field near Large Lavrovka and cordon forms circle with 2 – 3 km length and in the darkness it is easy to start riding in circles on it, which I made. First I saw 2 pairs of protectors of bicycle wheels and thought : “Who decided to follow my steps here?” – but then understood, that this is quite little likely and this is I again ride to the north-west to Shunuth, this time in the darkness. So, I decided to orient on compass, instead of bicycle wheels prints, but after n-teen of my falls and waking ups with bicycle it started to oftenly confuse north, south and east and west : “O-o-o, now here are 3 pairs of bicycle protectors prints, now I pave fourth one, here is the whole bike path formed in these backwoods, there is need to look as if ‘other’ bikers would not rode on me,” – panic waves started to approach me, but I calmed them down with that I’ll stay in the forest for a night in a extreme case and will find right way at morning with sunlight, thank to Shunuth, which protects this area from west ( winds here are mostly western ), still not frozen rivers bring warmth and humidity and forest also protects from wind and keeps warmth, so, even at nights at the end of October here is very warm and, wrapping in the spruce branches, here is ability to sleep for a whole night without problems. Moon looked out from clouds, she recently rose and was somewhere on the south-east, I need to go there, so, I walked to her and she took me off from this “vicious” circle.
Stony roads-rivers on the way to Shunuth
On the way from field to Large Lavrovka I a couple of times ( to the full bowl ) slipped on the ice and fell on it, braking its crust and falling with my left boot and basing on my left hand in the water, so, left boot and mitten was completely wet from this time, right boot was moist, but not wet. On the way I met cross-country jeep : there is ability to imagine what driver thought, meeting bicycle rider at this time in these backwoods. After village on the open area and to the south from Shunuth cold western wind started to blow and it started to purge wet left boot on the speed. But no cold and small freezing of legs did not upset me after this. On the puddles-ice skate rinks I stretched a couple of times more and looked on “Austerlitz sky” and further my way went without falls. I set my wheels on the asphalt : “Oh, ye-e-es!” – road to the Azov mountain here mostly goes downhill and I took a pleasure at night on this speed, uphill near mountain did not caused any difficulties this time for me. Hello nighty Azov, hello lighting Zuzelka, good night falling into sleep Polevskoy.
Old Man Rock sign
Thank you to the Ural’s weather, the thing, that I reached Shunuth is 50% its merit, because it froze everything at Wednesday and Thursday, and all hardly rideable clay and dirt and roads flooded knee or waist deep in some places became calm; at this day it was -2 – 0 degrees on Celsius in area; and these places are still not covered by heavy snowfalls. Thank you to my bicycle, that withstood all this without any complains : all this way and all these falls and wakings up. Thank you to MERIDA, which creates bikes, that withstand all this ( but, fairness for, there is need to note, that there is not much left from original bicycle ). I was on the southern Shunuth rocks, there are also middle and northern rocks, they are even taller, there is road to them, but it was covered with knee deep snowdrifts this day and, if to walk to them, then there is need in tent and food supplies, because there were before sunset hours at that time on Shunuth, so, I’ll ride and walk to them next Spring, when daytime will be longer and winter freezes will pass : or at the beginning of Spring, when snowcrust will be thick and will withstand bicycle, or at the middle, when roads will more or less melt and it will be below zero at night and around 0 at daytime, or at the end of a Spring, when there will be heat and clay and roads will dry. There will be need to make vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis at this winter, to be prepared for such rides. And I’ll buy more shock-resistant compass, so that I’ll always find my way there and back again, maybe I’ll buy something with electronic satellite navigation. This trip – this is exactly what I needed so much, next in the Winter up to next Spring I’ll ride on the bicycle mainly locally in Polevskoy and Yekaterinburg and near them closer to civilization and will become acquainted with some winter-time sportive transportation. See you in the next adventures!
Old Man RockOld Man RockOld Man RockView from the southern Shunuth rocksView from the southern Shunuth rocksView from the southern Shunuth rocksView on the northen Shunuth rocksDown direction view from rocksDown direction view from rocksView from rocksSunlight on the distant hillSunlight on the distant hillView from rocksSo close skyShunuth southern rocksI’m touching sky with my headSkyWestern forest on top of ShunuthWestern forest on top of ShunuthMy bicycle, which took me here and which I took here, thank you my horsy!Sky with plane traceSky with plane traceView in the direction of middle and northen Shunuth rocksView from rocksSunlight on the distant forestSunlight on the distant forestView in the direction of middle and northen Shunuth rocksSunlight on the distant forestView from rocksView from rocksView from rocksView in the direction of middle and northen Shunuth rocksView on the middle Shunuth rocksView on the northen Shunuth rocksView in the direction of Polevskoy and Azov mountainAzov mountainAzov mountain closerSunlight and Azov mountainView from rocksView from rocksView from rocksView from rocksView from rocksSky and Shunuth rocks
You can see rest of photos here. Tomorrow I’ll upload 1 remaining 5 minutes 30 seconds video and photos to the album.
Yesterday I rode from Polevskoy to Snezhinsk, through Poldnevaya, Dautovo and Itkul villages. At the morning it was dry and warm, so it was nice to ride on the bicycle. Roads in Polevskoy at this Autumn day are covered with dirt, so at the exit from city bicycle was already also covered in it. In the direction of Poldnevaya road is clear, has small amount of traffic and has lots of downhills and uphills, so, there is ability to upheat yourself and gain higher rate of pedaling. Poldnevaya is readying for winter : fields are fertilized and plowed before intensive snowfall, for better harvest on next Autumn. Road upto Sverdlovsk and Chelyabinsk regions border is clear and dry, as before Poldnevaya village; after it and to Itkul lake it was not only broken this day, but flooded and covered with dirt, which quickly moves on to the bicycle.
Itkul lake between pines in Dautovo village
On the turn to Upper Ufaley this time I rode in the left direction, instead of right one. In this are asphalt is intact and mostly not plowed by heavy cars. I did not rode in these areas, first stranger on my way is Dautovo village, in the pine forest on the shore of Itkul lake, views here are picturesque : low leaden clouds run above surface of lake, Sun sometimes looks through them and sends its rays to surface in the half-darkness, on the distant hills unmelted snow still lays after recent freezes and snowfalls. Further on the way is Itkul village, in which there is ability to stray and make some turns in deadends and find right way. After it another small village lays, with steep downhills and uphills, on which stealthy cars riding from behind cannot be heard due to wind, playing in the ears; I did not remembered its name, because I flew through it very fast. 5 – 10 km forward it becomes clear, that serious closed area city is in front : there are straight electricity pillars on the sides of road with intact wires, clearness and tidiness on the road itself and on the area around it and roadblock in front with iron fence with barbed wire above it and, maybe, electricity current connected to it. This is Snezhinsk. Entrance in the city is strictly via permittances, because there is research and development nuclear center located in it. I heard and read about this, now I know this by myself. So, road to Vishnevogorsk lays around Itkul lake through Upper Ufaley city.
Leaden clouds above Itkul lake on the the shore at Dautovo village
Near this road block I turned and rode back to my home, way went without problems, only near Polevskoy small rain started to pour and it became colder, before the darkness I was already at home. Overall I rode 130 km in around 8 hours at this day with all uphills, downhills, broken road areas and stops for bicycle tweaking and food eating. Next time I’ll rode to other area, where I was not before. 次の自転車イベントでお会いしましょう!
Leaden clouds above Itkul lake on the the shore at Dautovo villageLeaden clouds above Itkul lake on the the shore at Dautovo villagePier remnants near Itkul village
Yesterday I rode on my bicycle from Polevskoy to Yekaterinburg, then to Sredneuralsk on the shore of Iset lake and back home. There should have been performed bicycles tour with participation of many persons, but organizer of event was not able to participate in it due to technical reasons and we did not organized ourselves with other participants ahead of time ( this is the lesson to learn for next events ). At the morning ride from Polevskoy to Yekaterinburg was a pleasure itself : Sun was shining, dirt froze and road were dry; also, transport traffic at 9 – 10 a.m. is not so strong here. I rode to Ceramics station ( 40 km ) almost in the same time, as previous time : in 1 hour 50 minutes. Then I rode some circles in the city between bicycles shops Sportek, Velkom and Service Multi ( I’ll advertise them for a little : these are one of the best bicycles shops in Yekaterinburg ). I made some technical service of my bike at Service Multi and headed to Sredneuralsk.
On the shore of Iset lake
Sun shined even more on the streets, temperature raised above 0 degrees on Celsius and dirt started to unfreeze, but Serov highway is relatively clean and this did not caused any difficulties. By the way : it is very wide and roadside there is asphalted, so it is quite convenient to ride on the bicycle there. All in all, way to Sredneuralsk went on without problems : speed and freedom are the best feelings, ever. Near the city cold wind started to blow, proximity of lake felt there. Through the city almost direct road leads to its western part, only near lake there is need to turn to the south to go past plant. There is beautiful city area located on the shore of lake ( new living buildings should be insulated very well there, otherwise, despite beautiful view, there will be very cold under such wind or there will be high costs for heating them ). People walked on the shore, somebody trained themselves and made evening runs; only 1 small motor boat rode on the surface of water in this before-winter day. I made some photos and looked on these beautiful views and headed back to not stay under cold wind for too long.
On the shore of Iset lake
Snowfall and winter started above Serov highway, views are great, but there is need to be cautious, because road side is hardly noticeable under new snow, bicycle loses control on its edge and there is possibility to fall down. Which I made, then stood up, cleaned myself from snow and headed further to city. In all other respects way to Yekaterinburg went without problems. There is wholesale base at the entrance of the city, I wanted to buy some bananas in it, but at that time fruits shop was closed. Then I rode to the center of the city, there was ability to ride around city and save time on traffic and traffic lights, but I did not wanted to refuse myself in the pleasure to ride at the evening city with the street lights and buildings backlight, this time and city has some magic, in which I feel myself very calm and balanced and rest with my soul. Road through the city went without problems, only bike was covered with wet snow.
On the shore of Iset lake
At the edge of Yekaterinburg and closer to Mountain Shield village temperature abruptly went down from +1 – 0 degrees on Celsius to -2 – -5 degrees, it seems, that city produces lots of heat, which heats atmosphere, also, stars started to shine in the sky and heat, that was no longer held by clouds, went up and temperature by itself goes down closer to night. All wet snow froze, front shifter stopped to switch on the first gear from the second, initially it did not wanted to do so in the third gear respect, but I persuaded and moved back and forth it in Kurganovo village; back shifter worked only on 3, 4 and 5 gear; also, crust of ice formed under wings and on the frame. Two streams of fresh snow flew from under frontal wing and turned back; at the evening Polevskoy highway periodically is free from traffic and there is ability to ride alone with yourself for some time, but cars moved nearby periodically in caravans or alone. Sometimes black machines silhouettes in the glow of long distance lights of the cars, that move from the front, appeared.
On the shore of Iset lake
On the entrance into Polevskoy I rotated pedals up to my home. I froze, but was dry, so in some respect it was easier, than in previous time, and I received my portion of pleasure. Next times I’ll dress my self warmer, lower part is not purged, but arms near elbows are cooled very much. I sent messages to other tour members, that lost me, and said that everything is good. Placed my bike in the bathroom, so that melting ice would not flood floor. Ate food and went down to sleep. At winter time and up to next Spring I’ll ride only at distances below 100 km, so that I’ll not freeze and to not force others to worry about me. Just only competitions in Upper Ufaley ( if they will be held ), Shunuth mountain and maybe other above 100 km, and for the next times until next Spring only distances below one hundred kilometers. See ya on the next bicycles event!
Snowfall above Serov highway
Evening time Yekaterinburg, center of the cityWet snow, that froze to icePlastic does not withstand this for too long, so I set up aluminum
Yesterday small bicycles ride in direction to Krasniy village near Yekaterinburg was held on. At morning there was no rain and there was hope for dry day. Start was located near Carnival trade center in Yekaterinburg, I rode to it from Polevskoy. Wherein, for the first time I rode to Yekaterinburg in less than 2 hours : at 9:20 a.m. I went from home and at 11:11 I made a phone call to other tour participants from Ceramics station in Yekaterinburg, distance between these points is 40 km. Most of the way to city it was dry and ride was a pleasure itself, but on the entrance into Yekaterinburg it started to rain and there was hope, that it will be weak. On the start point I met and became acquainted with other adventurers, we talked for a while and hit the road.
On the road to Krasniy village
We rode near railway and made small stops, on which Dmitriy ( on the left side of upper photo ) told to us story of this railway. 10 years ago it was used also for passengers transportation, but now only different technical tasks are performed on it. On the way rain amplified to downpour and puddles started to form on the road, after riding through which shoes and pants became wet. Despite the weather it is beautiful in these places : there are birch forest to the sides of railway and Shuvakish lake, that can be seen between trees. After around 10 km of a way, we decided, that riding under heavy rainfall with +4 – +6 degrees temperature is not very interesting and on one of the road turns we navigated to Yekaterinburg; after small ride on the unpaved suburbs roads we set our wheels on the asphalt road and headed in the direction of the start point. In some areas road looked like river stream and there was need to wade through it with 1/3 of wheels in water and with shoes going into it with pedals, but that had no matter anymore, because our clothes and shoes was already wet. Near the start point we asked woman, that walked near us, to make “after ride” photo; then said good by to each other, other adventurers went to warm and dry off themselves, I navigated in the south direction to Polevskoy highway. On the way to it rain weakened, but on the whole ride to Polevskoy it went to downpour again; heavy cars left water dust walls after them, at some places cars made shower from the puddles to me, bit this had no matter anymore, because clothes drenched already. I rode to home not so fast and way took 2 – 3 hours. On the entrance to Polevskoy I was wet, froze, hungry, with my strengths left in the adventure and satisfied with the ride of that day; 2 or 3 times I even went to near sleep state, but quickly activated myself and drove myself to conscious state. All in all it was great ride : for a long time I had no such pleasures from activations of myself and movements of the body, mind and soul into survival and difficulties overcoming mode. At home I hardly unbuttoned my wet clothes with frozen hands and hung them out to dry, washed myself, warmed up and ate food, but pleasure remained. See you on the next bicycles ride!
Yesterday I rode on bicycle to concert Other Orchestra plays The Prodigy. On the road from Polevskoy it was rainy from the beginning, but later rain stopped; in some places road was more like a pool and at the entrance in Yekaterinburg my bike was all in dirt. All in all way to city and to CK Ural, in which concert took place, went without problems. After 10 – 20 minutes of waiting in CK hall, security let people go into main concert hall. There is no sense to describe concert itself, everything is seen on videos; I’ll just say, that first part was relatively calm, people sat and listened to music, but in second part fire started :-) .
To say a little about Other Orchestra : it exists for 5 years and mainly performs concerts in CK Ural and periodically plays music in other cities. They play music from classics and Jazz to electronics, Trip-Hop and disco. The Prodigy has no need to be introduced, but in case if somebody does not know : they are one the firestartest electronic musical groups of 90ties, 2000ties and, it seems that, 2010 – 2020ties.
There were interpretations of such compositions as : Charlie, Omen, Firestarter, Breathe and others; there was also compositions from new album The Day is my Enemy : Wild Frontier, Nasty and Ibiza. And at the end there was explosive Voodoo People. After concert there was night time ride to home, first in the city, then on the highway, that was lit only by diffuse light of clouds with white roadmarks, that guided me this night. At 2 o’clock I was at home, I rode at this day 110 km, this was unforgettable : with whistling in the ears after loud music and after dancing till drop down, I wish more such symphonic concerts to be performed.
From time to time I’ll publish videos from concert, I have around 7 GB of them.
Different Orchestra Plays The Prodigy in 2014 year
In 2014 year Different Orchestra already concerted with the same program, but without The Day is My Enemy album, also in September, I attained it and recorded video on it. It can be seen in this part of article.
About The Prodigy in more details
The Prodigy – is a British music group, which was founded in 1990 year by Liam Howlett; and with The Chemical Brothers, Fatboy Slim, The Crystal Method and other collectives it is one of the most popular electronic dance groups of 1990-ies, 2000-ies and 2010-ies. It sold more than 25 millions of records worldwide and earned lots of musical awards and nominations in different countries on the Earth. Among them there are : Grammy, MTV Video Music Award, MTV Europe Music Awards and others.
Up to this time The Prodigy released following albums : Experience ( 1992 ), Music for the Jilted Generation ( 1994 ), The Fat of the Land ( 1997 ), Always Outnumbered, Never Outgunned ( 2004 ), Invaders Must Die ( 2009 ) and The Day Is My Enemy ( 2015 ), as well as singles and compilations of compositions. In its music rave, hardcore techno, Jungle, Break Beat, Big Beat and other musical styles are combined; its main cast remains constant, but some members leaved group due to their own reasons, which caused tough times in history of collective. After release of The Day Is My Enemy, The Prodigy are touring around the world and for now there are no data about new album creation.
At Sunday 20th September bicycles ride to Azov mountain near Polevskoy was held on. Main group of riders moved to Polevskoy from Yekaterinburg and went on the Polevskoy highway. I met them at the entrance into city; we bought food in nearby supermarket and then navigated to Azov. I know way to it, so I moved ahead and showed road to the rest of group. On the way there was breakage with bicycle of one of participants; we quickly fixed it and moved to Zyuzelka village. Road from it to Azov goes up and often there are winds from West ( they blow in the face ); because of this bikers with big body mass exhausted on it very much. After 3.3 km from Zuzelka village there is ground road, which goes from it to the North and to the hill itself; it is easy to recognize it, because there are posters with information.
View from the Azov mountain
Uphill into Azov itself is not hard, most difficult part is boulders, trees roots and puddles with mud. On the way there Small Azov rocks located ( they are smaller than Big Azov rocks, as it follows from their name, but they are also interesting to view on ). At the roots of Big Azov rocks viewing platforms are located, from which great view on the Polevskoy and its surroundings opens : there is even ability to see Poldnevaya village and hills, that are located near it. On one of the rocks of Big Azov there is fenced area, from which magnificent view opens in almost 360 degrees around, for example : in the West direction there is ability to see Shunut mountain on the horizon. We ate some food and talked on different topics for some time at the rocks roots and at around 5 o’clock moved in return trip. Downhill from Azov is breathtaking and with good bicycle fork it is worth it, but there is need to note, that it is better to not repeat such rides without bicycles helmet and experience in cross-country rides, because there are lots of rocks, tree roots and puddles with mud on the way. After downhill we waited for rest of group; most of participants headed their way back to home to Yekaterinburg. I moved in the direction of Big Lavrovka village to explore way to Shunut hill. Approximately after 6 km from Azov hill good asphalt road ends and wet clay road begins; movement on this type of road takes lots of energy and time, so we will move to Shunut mountain at the middle of October, when at night time there will be negative temperatures and clay will freeze, so that there will be ability to move on it on the bicycles. See you on the next bicycles event!
View from the Azov hillView from the Azov mountainView on the Shunut hill from Azov hillView from the Azov hillView from the Azov hill in the direction of Poldnevaya village, hills near it and Upper Ufaley