Lets continue studying music creation and DAW REAPER learning and create Rave + Trip-Hop variation of Russian song “Good night, babies“, wherein we will use FM synthesis, reverberation and phaser effects and tracks automation. For melody and basses I used the same way hybrid VST synthesiser Xenobioz Funxion with the same presets and downloaded MIDI notes from internet ( thank you goes to original author ), removing bank selection signal from them. With tracks automation I set smooth volume increase and decrease at the beginning and end of composition, so that it does not start and end abruptly. Via this link you can download completed composition in FLAC format and archive with project file and sounds : Rave + Trip-Hop “Good night, babies” in DAW REAPER : FM synthesis and reverberation and phaser effects.

At the beginning we add MIDI notes to tracks of composition and plug in to them VST synthesiser Xenobioz Funxion with Exotic Flute and Pentagon presets for melody and basses. Then we will add to melody track built-in ReaVerb effect, which adds reverberation and makes it more volumetric, giving to it an atmosphere. It is better to not overuse it, so that melody will remain easy for perception and reverberation will not attract attention to itself. Then we add to basses track scripted effect Guitar/phaser, it is written on built in script language of DAW, so it works not so fast, as compilled VST applications, and it is better to use not much of them, so that composition playback would not lag. Phaser adds to basses “U-a-u-a-u-a-…” sound, this is especially noticeable on long basses notes and makes them not monotonous and constant, without addition of too much movement to basses. It is better to not apply reverberation to them, because basses should stay at the center of stereo picture and not jump here and there, otherwise this will draw too much attention and annoy. Then we add simple and hasteless drums rhythm with kicks and snares, characteristic to Trip-Hop music, let it accompaniment basses this time, and use syncopation, where needed, so that drums rhythm is not monotonous. Next : final strokes, and composition is ready.

This is it for today, next time I’ll create variation of other composition to continue growth in this direction. If you have any questions, then ask them in the comments to article. See you next time!