Among M-Audio devices there is headphones amplifier Bass Traveler with 2 outputs, built-in battery and volume control knob. Battery is charged via USB port, wherein it is used only for this purpose and device cannot be used as audio interface. On its top panel there are : volume control knob and TRS 1/4″ jack headphones output; on bottom panel there are : device work mode selector, TRS 1/4″ jack signal input and USB connector. On its frontal panel there is battery charge level indicator; device can power 16 – 100 Ohms headphones and supports smartphones remote answer buttons.

Package contains : M-Audio Bass Traveler device itself, USB cable, recharger, warranty card and user’s guide. This headphones amplifier is needed only if portable deice can not give enough power for their loud sounding. But overall : it is better to choose such headphones, that sound good with available equipment and, instead of this amplifier, buy good audio interface of Steinberg, Behringer, Focusrite, Roland, ESI, M-Audio and other companies production, if headphones are used with tablet PCs or notebooks; there is need to say, that some Android and the most modern Windows smartphones also allow to use USB audio interfaces.