Yesterday I rode into little bicycle trip into Chelyabinsk prairie. I headed to Upper Ufaley through Poldnevaya and Cheremshanka villages. It was +8 degrees on Celsius at the morning, Sun was shining and there were no wind, so it was nice to ride without overheating. On the road to Poldnevaya village foresters burned trees branches and there was pleasant smell of wooden fireplace above the road. At the beginning of day it became warmer and ride felt almost like at Summer. Trip from Poldnevaya village to border of Sverdlovsk and Chelyabinsk regions is very pleasant, because of highway with very good asphalt coverage. But later and to the Cheremshanka village : hard ride goes on, because there are long slopes to Itkul lake and lots of bumps in the road with the ability to ride into them on high speed, which lead to the flying above bicycle handlebar. On the road I met 2 bicycle riders and after 10 km another one, I greet them and they answered to me the same.

Most of the road to Cheremshanka village I rode without problems, but closer to it on one of the slopes I punched through my tire camera on one of the stones. I stopped and replaced camera ( there is need to note, that one car stopped and offered to me help, I gave my thank to driver, but refused his offer, because I already handled situation by myself ). To not to play with the fate without replacement camera and to not go back on my feet to my home 100 km, if camera will be punched again, I rode slightly ahead, climbed hill near Cheremshanka, ate my lunch and moved back to home. I rode back not so fast to keep my tires safe, and road to Polevskoy was without problems. On the way back I met the same two riders : it is pleasant to met them again, we greet each other and continued our ways to our homes. Next : calming ride after sunset on the highway, that is lit by street lights, was went on. At home I ate my dinner, made slight repairs and adjustments to bike and went to sleep. I rode 130 km and made following conclusions for my next rides : there is need to take with me 2 replacement cameras and cameras repair kit, so that there will be no need to turn back on the 2 / 3 of a way. Now : see you on the next bicycle event, I’ll prepare to it much better, so that there will be no need to turn back on the most interesting part of a story.

You can see rest of photos here.