One of the most functional audio interfaces of Behringer company is an ADAT device ULTRAGAIN PRO-8 DIGITAL ADA8000, supporting 48 kHz and 24 bits work mode and oriented on high-quality digital to analogue and analogue to digital conversions fulfillment. On its frontal panel following can be found : 8 sets of microphone balanced XLR inputs, linear balanced TRS 1/4″ jack inputs, signal and clipping indicators and gain control knobs; work and locking indicators; phantom power +48 V switch; and power button. On its back panel there are : line power input; optical digital TOSLINK ADAT input and output; time synchronization connector with external devices with work mode switch; and 8 balanced XLR linear outputs.

Behringer ULTRAGAIN PRO-8 DIGITAL ADA8000 handles DAC with dynamic range 100 dB, ADC with 103 dB dynamic range; its THD is 0.01 %, channels isolation is 86 dB. Devices draws maximum 25 W of electric energy; its sizes are 215 ( depth ) x 44.5 ( height ) x 482.6 ( width ) mm and mass is 2.59 kg; it can work with modern DAWs : FL Studio, Cackewalk Sonar, REAPER, Avid Pro Tools, Ableton Live, Steinberg Cubase and others, and specialized sound recording and editing software.
In the package with Behringer ULTRAGAIN PRO-8 DIGITAL ADA8000 there are : line power cable, warranty card and user’s guide. This audio interface is oriented on high-quality fulfillment of DA and AD conversions with use of large amount of analogue and digital inputs and outputs, it does its job very good and oriented on use in large studios. For in-home and small studios there is ability to buy USB or Firewire audio interface with smaller price and high components quality of Steinberg, Behringer, Focusrite, Roland, ESI, M-Audio and other companies production.