Yesterday I rode on my bicycle from Polevskoy to Yekaterinburg, then to Sredneuralsk on the shore of Iset lake and back home. There should have been performed bicycles tour with participation of many persons, but organizer of event was not able to participate in it due to technical reasons and we did not organized ourselves with other participants ahead of time ( this is the lesson to learn for next events ). At the morning ride from Polevskoy to Yekaterinburg was a pleasure itself : Sun was shining, dirt froze and road were dry; also, transport traffic at 9 – 10 a.m. is not so strong here. I rode to Ceramics station ( 40 km ) almost in the same time, as previous time : in 1 hour 50 minutes. Then I rode some circles in the city between bicycles shops Sportek, Velkom and Service Multi ( I’ll advertise them for a little : these are one of the best bicycles shops in Yekaterinburg ). I made some technical service of my bike at Service Multi and headed to Sredneuralsk.

Sun shined even more on the streets, temperature raised above 0 degrees on Celsius and dirt started to unfreeze, but Serov highway is relatively clean and this did not caused any difficulties. By the way : it is very wide and roadside there is asphalted, so it is quite convenient to ride on the bicycle there. All in all, way to Sredneuralsk went on without problems : speed and freedom are the best feelings, ever. Near the city cold wind started to blow, proximity of lake felt there. Through the city almost direct road leads to its western part, only near lake there is need to turn to the south to go past plant. There is beautiful city area located on the shore of lake ( new living buildings should be insulated very well there, otherwise, despite beautiful view, there will be very cold under such wind or there will be high costs for heating them ). People walked on the shore, somebody trained themselves and made evening runs; only 1 small motor boat rode on the surface of water in this before-winter day. I made some photos and looked on these beautiful views and headed back to not stay under cold wind for too long.

Snowfall and winter started above Serov highway, views are great, but there is need to be cautious, because road side is hardly noticeable under new snow, bicycle loses control on its edge and there is possibility to fall down. Which I made, then stood up, cleaned myself from snow and headed further to city. In all other respects way to Yekaterinburg went without problems. There is wholesale base at the entrance of the city, I wanted to buy some bananas in it, but at that time fruits shop was closed. Then I rode to the center of the city, there was ability to ride around city and save time on traffic and traffic lights, but I did not wanted to refuse myself in the pleasure to ride at the evening city with the street lights and buildings backlight, this time and city has some magic, in which I feel myself very calm and balanced and rest with my soul. Road through the city went without problems, only bike was covered with wet snow.

At the edge of Yekaterinburg and closer to Mountain Shield village temperature abruptly went down from +1 – 0 degrees on Celsius to -2 – -5 degrees, it seems, that city produces lots of heat, which heats atmosphere, also, stars started to shine in the sky and heat, that was no longer held by clouds, went up and temperature by itself goes down closer to night. All wet snow froze, front shifter stopped to switch on the first gear from the second, initially it did not wanted to do so in the third gear respect, but I persuaded and moved back and forth it in Kurganovo village; back shifter worked only on 3, 4 and 5 gear; also, crust of ice formed under wings and on the frame. Two streams of fresh snow flew from under frontal wing and turned back; at the evening Polevskoy highway periodically is free from traffic and there is ability to ride alone with yourself for some time, but cars moved nearby periodically in caravans or alone. Sometimes black machines silhouettes in the glow of long distance lights of the cars, that move from the front, appeared.

On the entrance into Polevskoy I rotated pedals up to my home. I froze, but was dry, so in some respect it was easier, than in previous time, and I received my portion of pleasure. Next times I’ll dress my self warmer, lower part is not purged, but arms near elbows are cooled very much. I sent messages to other tour members, that lost me, and said that everything is good. Placed my bike in the bathroom, so that melting ice would not flood floor. Ate food and went down to sleep. At winter time and up to next Spring I’ll ride only at distances below 100 km, so that I’ll not freeze and to not force others to worry about me. Just only competitions in Upper Ufaley ( if they will be held ), Shunuth mountain and maybe other above 100 km, and for the next times until next Spring only distances below one hundred kilometers. See ya on the next bicycles event!

You can see rest of photos here.